Gloria On Embracing Beauty As You Age

Gloria On Embracing Beauty As You Age
Embracing age can often mean we’ve given up slightly but that absolutely shouldn’t be the case. In fact, we’re all for ageing teaching us some valuable lessons when it comes to beauty. Here, we speak to Gloria (one of the stars of the Your Beauty Space NK campaign) about how she’s taking her 60s in her stride…

Self-Care Is Non-Negotiable

As I get older, I’ve really learnt the importance of looking after myself. When I was younger it didn’t matter to me so much, but now it really is non-negotiable. I am a lot more aware of what I put in and, on my body, and how much sleep I get.

Lessons Learnt

If I could tell my 18-year-old self one thing it would be that you have one body so treat it well now and it will look after you later in life. I truly believe that beauty comes from within and shines out, so my best advice would be to eat well, sleep well and try to live a stress-free life where possible. If these three things aren’t in check, it definitely shows in your face. When it comes to skincare, I’ve learnt what ingredients work and what don’t. Shea butter is one my skin loves, as is turmeric. Facial massage is one of the best techniques not only for plumping and firming, but for relaxation too. I aim to do this once or twice a week. Heavily perfumed products don’t agree with my skin and can cause irritation, so I avoid them. Like most things, beauty is trial and error and finding what works for you.

Embracing Makeup More Than Ever

When it comes to colour, I try everything. Bright colours look fantastic on my skin, but I always take into account what I am wearing. One product I swear by is NARS Audacious Lipstick in Lana, which is a vivid orangey red. It really does say ‘I have arrived. I am here and I look fabulous.’ I wouldn’t say I have a signature makeup look, but if I’m not channelling a statement lip, I love to accentuate my eyes as this is where people focus when they’re talking to you. It’s important to make them look awake and alive. I’d always suggest going for things that make you feel confident. If you don’t feel good, you won’t portray that either.

Find out more about the Your Beauty Space campaign and explore more stories from the stars, here. Don’t forget to share your beauty space over on @spacenk using #YourBeautyStory.

Posted: 星期五, 18 六月 2021

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