UK200018498 8159850233600

Beautyblender Beautyblender Nude

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Beautyblender Nude

$ 20.00
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Create a perfect finish with the revolutionary Beautyblender Nude, an elliptical-shaped makeup sponge much-loved by makeup artists. With this sponge, creation of flawless, no-makeup looks is child’s play, as it evenly spreads the product without leaving any streaks.

Beautyblender Nude is perfect for use with foundation and other complexion makeup products.

Beautyblender have created a makeup application tool that minimises waste. Featuring open cells, the sponge soaks up water and softens. When dipped into makeup, the blender does not soak up the product. Instead, the makeup remains on the surfaces and glides effortlessly onto the skin.

For best results, soak Beautyblender Nude with water. Squeeze out excess water with a towel. Next, dip the sponge into the makeup and apply evenly on the skin. Rinse after each use.

Key Benefits

  • Perfect foundation application tool
  • Washable
  • Minimal waste
  • Oval-shaped
  • Effortless, professional-grade application

SKU# UK200018498

Simply wet.squeeze.bounce! Wet the beautyblender with water, squeeze out the excess liquid, using a towel if available. Then bounce the beautyblender with a foundation of your choice onto the surface of the skin for flawless coverage.

We fulfil internationally using our shipping partner Global-E, for information on the delivery and returns methods they provide in your shipping destination please click here for shipping or here for returns.

The First. The Best. The Original; meet the ultimate makeup sponge. Loved by bloggers and professional makeup artists alike, the award-winning beautyblender’s elliptical shape fits into hard-to-reach areas, giving a streak-free, flawless finish.


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