Jo Glynn-Smith On Setting Positive Intentions

Jo Glynn-Smith On Setting Positive Intentions
2021 hasn’t got off to the easiest of starts and setting ambitious New Year’s resolutions doesn’t feel appropriate at the moment. But there is light at the end of the tunnel and where possible we need to muster as much positivity as we can. Creative marketing director, mentor and mum of two, Jo Glynn-Smith has spent the last few months utilising her platform and interviewing various experts on a Sunday about how they make it work and how they’ve overcome various challenges. This week, Jo shares her top tips for setting positive intentions with us...

Work On Your Optimism

When the only certainty is more uncertainty, you have to learn to be comfortable living in the present and making the most of where you are now. Make each day count, embrace it wholeheartedly with an optimistic attitude from the moment you wake up. There’s a wonderful quote by Robin Roberts, Good Morning America’s famous anchor woman, she says, ‘Being optimistic is like a muscle that gets stronger with use. Makes it easier when the tough times arrive. You have to change the way you think in order to change the way you feel,’ and it’s so true! At the end of every day be thankful for the good things that have happened, however small, because it all mounts up.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions or unrealistic long-term goals, it’s just setting yourself up top fail. How about just saying to yourself that you will try to live your best life every day, it won’t always be easy, and you will fail at times, but that you will brush yourself off and start again when you do. You don’t have to know where you are going to end up to start the journey; as long as you are doing things you love, that fit with your values and play to your strengths and which nourish your soul.

Find A Mantra That Works For You

I have a quote that I love and always think about when faced with anything unknown, like 2021. It’s not original, but it always makes me feel empowered and ready to tackle whatever the universe is about to throw at me!

‘You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think‘ - A.A Milne.

Have A ‘Happy Place’

If I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, a fix of fresh air and nature always gets me back on track – you’ve got to change the scenery when you are feeling boxed in. I love walking or running outside - the smells, the sounds and the sense of space, it lifts my soul and gives me perspective. If I can’t get out, I have a happy place that I can close my eyes and drift away to for five minutes, while I do some deep breathing. A ‘happy place’ is somewhere that you remember being truly happy and at peace, it can be anything from a beautiful view to a memory that always makes you smile.

Make Time For You

Apart from the running or walking, which I do daily, I find a hot bath filled with magnesium salts (we are deficient in magnesium, so add where you can) and whatever bath essence I have on the go at the time really helps me to relax and reset. I cleanse my face and take off the day and apply a rich, moisturising face mask, then I close my eyes and breathe as slowly and deeply as I can. It calms me down and helps me empty the mental clutter from the day. I guess it’s a sort of meditation, but with added pampering thrown in for joy!

Posted: Tuesday, 22 December 2020

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