UK300003910 3700431440655

Diptyque Vetyver Scented Candle

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Vetyver Scented Candle


$ 76.00
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Grace your favorite room with the unique woody scent of Vetyver, a rare, androgynous fragrance that blends the best of both masculine and feminine. From the legendary French perfume house of Diptyque, this luxurious handmade scented candle creates an elegant ambiance in your home.

Diptyque~s Vetyver Scented Candle brings together base notes of vetyver, juniper and cedarwood, while playing beautifully with the floral bouquet of Vetyverio. Hand-made and designed to burn longer and more evenly than other candles, this coveted candle is available at Space NK either in this size or larger sizes.

Expert Tip:
Try creating your own signature room scent by burning two or three different Diptyque scented candles at any one time; their aromas blend beautifully.

Key Benefits

  • Pure essential oils
  • Blend of high-quality waxes
  • A luxurious and elegant gift
  • Handmade candle
  • Stylish glass holder

SKU# UK300003910

A well cared-for Diptyque Scented Candle will burn for up to 30 hours. Your candle will burn clean and evenly down to the bottom of the glass if you burn it for at least two hours the first time. After blowing out your candle, center and straighten the wick.

Do not place the candle in a wind draught or directly on a glass or marble surface. Never leave a lit candle unattended. Never move or tip a lit candle. Keep out of reach of children.

We fulfil internationally using our shipping partner Global-E, for information on the delivery and returns methods they provide in your shipping destination please click here for shipping or here for returns.

Discover the line of French luxury candles and perfumes by Diptyque at Space NK, including the bestselling Baies candle.


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