Chad Kenyon On His Winter Grooming Tips

Chad Kenyon On His Winter Grooming Tips
Based in LA, you might assume that hair colourist and Olaplex ambassador Chad Kenyon doesn’t have to factor the changing of seasons into his grooming routine. However, having been born and bred in Illinois, as well as living in Spain for 16 years, he’s is more than accustomed to the chill of bitterly cold winters. With temperatures nose-diving as we move into November, Chad reveals his top winter grooming tips…

Keep It Simple

Regardless of the time of year, I try to adhere to the same beauty advice that I prescribe to my colour clients: low maintenance, but not no maintenance. The key to pulling this off successfully is finding the right products for you.

Dial Up Your Skincare

My skin requires a lot more moisture in the winter months. I've already started using my Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil, £45.00. While it’s designed to be used at night-time, I apply two-to-three drops during the day too for extra hydration. Aesop B & Tea Balancing Toner, £17.50 keeps me skin balanced and once a week I’ll use Kate Somerville Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment, £22.00. If my skin feels like it needs some TLC or is looking a little dry, I’ll pamper myself with indulgent eye creams and hydrating face masks.

Hold Back On Haircare

In the summertime, I’m in the pool and ocean frequently so I shampoo more often. During the winter months, I hold back and shampoo about twice a week. One very peculiar thing that I find is that people don't rinse the shampoo and conditioner enough. Especially during the winter months when we can tend to get a little dryer it's important that we do a thorough rinse of shampoo and conditioner.

After getting out of the shower I groom with , which is a hydrating styling cream that helps to tame flyaways and frizz, and to boost the shine and colour of my hair.

Switch Up Your Scent

Generally, I tend to avoid citrusy summertime fragrances during the fall and winter months. Instead, I’m drawn to dryer woody scents. They just feel right when the weather turns. Tom Ford Oud Wood Eau de Parfum, £145.00 is my go-to.

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