Alesha Dixon On Her Wellbeing Routine

Over the past few years, I’ve really learnt that the more I connect to what my mind, body and soul needs, the easier I find it is to manage my life. Since having my kids, I’m far more disciplined with sticking to a routine. During the week I try to exercise, get plenty of early nights in and eat well. At the weekend, I take a more relaxed approach and overall, I feel much happier and calmer. One of the best discoveries for me was lavender. I find it really calming before bed and you can always find a NEOM Perfect Nights Sleep Candle (3 Wick) in my bedroom – I love the NEOM Wellbeing Pod too. How you kickstart your morning dictates how the rest of your day will go, so I always start with practising gratitude and giving thanks. Fuelling your body the right way is essential, so I’ll take NobleBlu Energy to support my workout and and NobleBlu Immunity, which is packed full of vitamin B6, C and D and zinc to help my body fend off lurgies and disease, and make myself a juice packed with vegetables, turmeric, ginger and beetroot. Once the girls are sorted, I block out an hour to workout. My 21-month old still interrupts my sleep, but I rarely feel over-tired and I truly believe this is down to giving my body what it needs. In the past I often thought of self-care as a selfish thing to do, but I’ve learnt that taking care of yourself has a huge impact on those around you. I used to take five days out a year to go Jason Vale’s Juicy Oasis and I would feel guilty, but my partner said it wasn’t selfish at all. In fact, I’d come back a nicer person and be a better mum. It’s not just about taking good care of yourself from the inside, looking after your skin is also so important. Over the years, I’ve got considerably better at taking care of my skin and find having a consistent routine is really therapeutic. I’ll always cleanse my skin and love to spend time using masks a few times a week as well as plenty of serums. There’s a big difference between cosmetic skincare and ones which really do work. Sisley-Paris Black Rose Cream Mask is one of my favourites, as is Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate. When it comes to eye cream, Charlotte Tilbury Magic Eye Rescue Cream is hard to beat. Luckily my skin is fairly robust, so I’m able to switch up my skincare without worrying about irritating it. Makeup is another great tool for an instant mood boost. The majority of the time, I’m at home so I keep things simple with a bit of concealer, bronzer, mascara and lip balm. Most of us can usually find the time to watch our favourite TV series, but struggle to fit in a workout or even a 10-minute walk outside. Managing your time more effectively and setting small, but easily achievable goals can make a huge difference to your outlook and mood. Don’t plan too far ahead and instead assess what you can start tomorrow. Making small changes to your lifestyle will bring big rewards. It’s all about being the best version of yourself, so tune in to what works for you.How I Strike The Balance
My Morning Routines
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
Therapeutic Skincare
My Ultimate Wellbeing Tip