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Rain [Reserve Blend] Eau de Parfum

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Clean Reserve

Rain [Reserve Blend] Eau de Parfum

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We are unable to ship this product outside of the UK.
We are unable to ship this product outside of the UK.

Clean Reserve

Rain [Reserve Blend] Eau de Parfum


Clean Reserve

Rain [Reserve Blend] Eau de Parfum


We are unable to ship this product outside of the UK.
We are unable to ship this product outside of the UK.

Clean Reserve Rain EDP 香气淡雅清新,让您享受芳香生活。这种香气会让人联想到热带雨林,唤起对雨后清新空气的记忆。香水采用白花、佛手柑、香根草和广藿香等多种成分制作而成。

这款香水散发淡淡的香气,堪称男女皆宜的优选之品。如果您希望香水起到衬托而非压倒作用,这款香气自然的香水也是一个不错的选择。它可与 Clean Reserve 中的其他香水搭配使用,打造适合您的独特香气。

Key Benefits

  • 清新、干净的香气
  • 含佛手柑、广藿香和香根草成分
  • 男女皆宜的香水,可随时使用,但最适合夏日使用
  • 可与该系列的其他香水搭配使用
  • 白花的香气清新怡人

SKU# UK200017151

We fulfil internationally using our shipping partner Global-E, for information on the delivery and returns methods they provide in your shipping destination please click here for shipping or here for returns.

Clean Reserve 是 Clean 的创造者们调制的新系列的香水。采用可靠来源的成分和具有生态意识的制造和包装。世界上三家致力于可持续发展和慈善事业的顶级香水公司创新合作的结晶。