The Stress-Relieving Traditional Chinese Medicine Technique That Works Instantly

The Stress-Relieving Traditional Chinese Medicine Technique That Works Instantly
Whether you’re stressed out with the daily juggle of life and need a calming trick to help you sleep, or you’re trying to quell last minute jitters before presenting to a room of people, facial acupressure is a technique that you need to know about. It’s a technique that’s been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries as applying pressure to specific points on your face can help relieve tension.

“I find myself applying acupressure techniques during my daily skincare routine, as well as in my clinic,” says Joanna Ellner, certified acupuncturist and founder of REOME, who has formulated the perfect essence-meets-serum hybrid, REOME Active Recovery Broth, to complement the technique. The blend of 16 clinically proven bio-fermented and biomimetic actives in the broth help to nourish skin, strengthen your barrier and boost hydration – your skin will reap the benefits whether you choose to engage in facial acupressure or not.

What Are The Benefits Of Facial Acupressure?

“Acupressure has proven to be an incredible tool for regulating the nervous system in times of acute stress,” explains Joanna. “Applying pressure and movement to specific acupuncture points on the body can instil an effect akin to acupuncture needling; through the very nature of stimulating the meridians that lie underneath each point and relate to different organs and bodily systems that may be out of balance.”

What Are The Best Facial Acupressure Points?

There are hundreds of acupressure points in your face and they relate to various parts of your body. Pinpointing the right ones can not only help alleviate stress, but also boost your complexion. “Below are my personal favourite acupressure points – for use on both myself and patients,” says Joanna, who has shared four key facial acupressure points to get you started, over to Joanna…


YINTANG (Hall of Impression)

The Location: The central point between your brows (pictured above).

The Effect: By applying pressure to this point, you’re instantly anchored back into your body. When needling this point, patients often feel immediately grounded, with a rush of energy drawing down to their feet.

It’s a great one to press upon and massage in circular movements during your evening cleanse, to help switch the body from yang energy into the yin needed for peaceful, sustained sleep. Firmly pressing upon this point regularly also has a line-smoothing effect, whilst also softening the forehead muscles that many of carry a lot of tension in.


TAIYANG (Sun Supreme Yang)

The Location: The central point on each temple, in a line drawn between the outer brow and outer corner of the eye (pictured above).

The Effect: If, like me, lots of screen time leaves your eyes feeling strained, or causes a low-level headache, this is a brilliant point to massage with the fingertips. The head, being at the top of the body, is more yang, relative to yin. Too much yang at the head can risk us ‘boiling over’ or experiencing moments of rage.

Massaging this point can help quell that excess and disperse stagnated qi from the area. We often do this innately, when we’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, which is so fascinating to me, as that completely fits with the clinical application of this point.


STOMACH-3 (Great Crevice)

The Location: At the corner of a vertical line drawn from your pupil and a horizontal line drawn from the base of the nostril (pictured above).

The Effect: This is a powerful point on the stomach channel. Applying consistent pressure at this point with the index or ring finger and pulsing for 30-60 seconds has a direct impact on the digestion. When patients experience breakouts or reactive skin in this area, it indicates to me that their digestion might be a little off balance. This is also a great point to press firmly for express relief from any form of toothache.


GALL BLADDER 14 (Yang White)

The Location: On each side of your forehead, in line with the pupil, about a thumb’s width vertically from your eyebrow (pictured above).

The Effect: The gall bladder is known as the ‘Governor of Decisions’ in Chinese Medicine. When a patient describes themselves as particularly indecisive in life, it can infer that the Gall Bladder is under pressure and needs some support. Pressing upon this point can help clear the vision so that a clear path can be seen. It can also help clear the sinuses and dull, chronic types of headaches.

In the clinic, I look at this point as the truest embodiment of a patient’s skin; if it’s healthy and nourished here, it will be a relatively swift journey into bringing the entirety of their skin back into balance.

More On Joanna Ellner and REOME

Joanna Ellner is a classically trained, board-certified acupuncturist who uses a broad range of Chinese Medicine techniques within her unique treatments to help restore your mind, body and skin. Joanna created REOME to help encourage us all to take a moment to ourselves, embrace our yin energy and nourish our skin. It's truly a one-of-a-kind treatment serum, Reome Active Recovery Broth, £38.00, that has to be tried to be believed and appreciated.

Posted: Monday, 23 January 2023

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